Cookie Policy and GDPR

MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd Cookie Policy, GDPR, Privacy Statement & Security

MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd respects your privacy and is committed to protect the personal information that you share with us.

Below is our privacy policy that applies to and/or any website (referred to in this Privacy Statement as the “Site”) owned, operated, licensed or controlled by MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd.

This Site is intended for the use of persons over 18 years of age.

By using this Site or communicating via telephone or otherwise with MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

Information Collection

When you browse the Site and have not registered for any online service from MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd, you browse anonymously. Personal Information (“Personal Information” is defined as any information that identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to whom such information pertains including, but not limited to, a first and last name, E-mail address, a home, postal or other physical address, or other contact information) is not collected as you browse. MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd does, however, use “cookies,” “client variables” and “session variables” to collect information about how the Site and server are used and to recognize you as a MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd online service user when you re-enter our Site. Information, such as the server your computer is logged onto, your browser type, and whether you entered the Site via a Website or E-mail hyperlink, is collected and tracked in aggregate. This information is used for the purpose of measuring response rates to Web page and E-mail hyperlinks as well as overall Site activity and performance.

When you register for or request any Site service, you may be asked to provide us with Personal Information which is used to enhance your Site experience, expedite communications, allow you to receive electronic/postal mailings from MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd, or to be contacted as requested. Additionally, we may request your upcoming travel plans and the next destination you plan to visit which allows us to further personalize your Site and E-mail messages you may receive to meet your specific needs, as well as make MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd product improvements. We may also use this Personal Information in aggregate to generate market research reports.

IP Addresses

MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd collects the IP addresses used to access our Site and the dates and times of access. This information is used to analyze trends, administer the Site, track user’s movement, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. IP addresses are not personally linked to identifiable information.

Registration for Online Products & Services

In order to provide you with a particular Site product or service, we may request that you voluntarily supply us with Personal Information for purposes such as correspondence, Site registration, submitting an information or booking request, placing an order, requesting product descriptions, or participating in Site surveys and/or contests. If you are known to us as a registered user of an MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd Site, we may combine information about your use of Site products or services with certain other online and offline information we have about you as an MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd customer as well as information available from external sources in order to customize your Site experience and present you with relevant online and offline communications.

Information Use

We may use Personal Information you have given us with any of our group of companies, including our parent companies and any of our subsidiaries or commonly-owned companies, to for example, provide a service, ensure proper booking, measure consumer interest in our various products and services and inform you about products and services. If you have provided your E-mail address to us or to a company we’ve partnered with to make their products and services available to you, we may send you E-mail. These E-mails may be based on Personal Information you provided in your initial transaction with us, in surveys both online and offline, from information that may indicate purchasing preferences and lifestyle, as well as available from external sources.

These E-mails come directly from MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd. You can opt-out from receiving E-mail from MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd as described below in the section, “Declining E-mail.” When we send you E-mail, we may use your E-mail address to identify information about your receipt of the E-mail, including whether the communication was opened, how many times it was viewed and whether you clicked on an embedded hyperlink to reach a particular web page. This information is used to measure response rates to E-mail communications as well as enhance your Site experience.

MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd does not provide your Personal Information to our business partners. However, we may send you offers on behalf of our business partners. If you take advantage of an offer from a MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd business partner and become their customer, they may independently wish to send E-Mails to you. In this case, you will need to inform them separately if you wish to decline receiving future E-mails from them.

We may share Personal Information with law enforcement agencies in the event of a criminal investigation or suspected illegal activity.

Message Boards

Users of Site Message Boards agree not to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of any individual’s privacy or otherwise in violation of any law. Users agree not to post any copyrighted material unless they are the owners of the copyright. Users remain solely responsible for the content of their messages, and agree to indemnify and hold MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd harmless with respect to any claim based upon the transmission of their message(s). As a user of a Message Board, in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any posted message, MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd reserves the right to reveal your identity (or any other information about you in our hands). MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd does not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and is not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages posted express the views of the author of the message and not necessarily the views of MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd.

As a user of a Message Board:

(a) you automatically grant to MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd (or warrant that the owner thereof has granted to MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd), a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to use, modify, copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, publish, adapt, create derivative works of, transfer or sell any such content, for any purpose whatsoever, including, without limitation, a commercial purpose, without any compensation to you; and

(b) you agree that you will not publish, submit, or display such content to or on any other commercial travel-related web-site or on-line service without MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd’s prior written consent, which consent may be withheld by MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd in its discretion.

MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd reserves the right to edit or delete messages prior to their appearance on the Site. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd immediately by E-mail.

Sweepstakes and Contests

When you enter a contest or other promotional feature on the Site, we may ask for your Personal Information so that we can administer the contest and notify winners. Participation in these contests is completely voluntary and you therefore have a choice whether or not to disclose the required information.

Online Surveys

We value opinions and comments from MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd customers, and you may have the opportunity to give us your feedback through Site surveys. In conducting these surveys, we may ask for your Personal Information so that we can appropriately identify you. Survey and Personal Information collected will be aggregated and used to make improvements to the Site and improve MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd products and services. Participation in these surveys is completely voluntary and you therefore have a choice whether or not to disclose the required information.

Declining Email

MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd provides customers with a means to decline receiving E-mail. At any time, you may request to discontinue receiving E-mail from MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd by following the opt-out instructions included at the bottom of all MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd E-mail and informing us of your preference.


This Site is not used to knowingly solicit Personal Information from or market to children under the age of 13.

This Site is intended for use by persons who are over 18 years of age.

Linked Internet Sites and Privacy differences

You should be aware that other Internet sites to which you link to from this Site may contain privacy provisions that differ from the provisions of our Privacy Statement. MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of other such sites. We encourage Site users to be aware when they leave the Site and to read the privacy statements of each and every Website that collects personally identifiable information. This Privacy Statement applies solely to information collected by this Site.


MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd uses Secure Socket Layers (SSL), the industry standard in transferring information to process your orders. The SSL encrypts, or translates, your order information into a highly indecipherable code, which is processed immediately. When you begin the transaction process, you will move into the secure area of our Site. A warning window may pop up to notify you that you are entering this “safe” area. Once you’ve entered, the page address (URL) will change from http to https, to let you know you are in a secure area. You will remain in this secure zone for the entire transaction process.

Contact Information

for MicroAnalytica (Pty) Ltd is available on the Contacts page here on the site.


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